Sunday, March 13, 2011

What are you waiting for?

If you are still skeptical, these facts will convince you

What others say

"Got involved in an accident - in a coma for 4 days - became a cripple"
Kak Ros still vividly remembers the tragedy that occurred on 15 Syaaban 1428 (28 August 2007). That evening her son who was fasting asked for RM 5 to buy some food to eat with his friends during the breakfasting time. However, after some time, he still had not returned home.

Her husband went to a shop nearby and on his way he saw an accident and was shocked to see the person lying unconscious was his own son. At the hospital the doctor said his son only got a 50 percent chance to live. He was in a coma for 4 days. Afterwards the doctor confirmed that he would be a cripple for life.
She was thankful that after using Alpha Lipid, her son has totally recovered as if he has never been involved in an accident.

"Stiff Joints and Skin Problems"
He is 56 and has suffered from stiff joints since 1995. He also experienced a chronic skin problems and itchiness. After taking Alpha Lipid, he is very satisfied with the result as the stiffness lessened and his skin problems gone.

Many of his friends have noticed the difference and they also couldn't wait to try the product.

"Asthma and Brain Food"
Puan Hairani had suffered from Asthma since her school days and had been taking medications regularly. After taking Alpha Lipid her asthma is cured.

Puan Hairani also gives Alpha Lipid to her children and finds that their academic performance has improved so significantly. From number 30 her son recently got number 4 in class and he claims that "studying is so much easier now".

"Brain food"
His friend named Puan Suriani gives Alpha Lipid to her son. One day he came back from school and announced happily that he had gotten number 1 in class. Puan Suriani cried tears of happiness because her eldest had never gotten less than number ten before. What mother isn't ecstatic with her child's excellent achievement.

"Skin Disease"
Puan Suhaila had suffered from sensitive skin for 20 years and was unable to take or even touch seafood. After taking Alpha Lipid she can now enjoy her favorite seafood especially Tomyam and is no longer sad to see others enjoying it. ~ Visit her own blog at

"Unable To Conceive"
Puan Suriani was married for 7 years but was still childless. After she and her husband tried Alpha Lipid for 3 to 4 months she became pregnant and gave birth to a healthy baby in the middle of 2007. Congratulations!

En Yaacob has been taking Alpha Lipid as he is health-conscious. One morning, back in his village he was attacked by a swarm of bees. He rushed back home to take a bath when he felt hot all over. He asked his son to take out the sting and managed to pull out quite a lot. Luckily his antibody is so strong that he didn't need to go to the hospital or clinic for treatment. Indeed Alpha Lipid will increase your immunity to fight against illnesses.



Puan Zalini once introduced Alpha Lipid to a Parkinson patient. At first his trembling became worse but as he kept using it the symptom lessened significantly and he expressed his utmost gratitude to Puan Zalini.


"Had experienced knee pains for 20 years"

Mak cik Jah has been experiencing knee pains since 20 years ago. After using Alpha Lipid for 4 days she is able to walk and able to climb the stairs to the weekly meeting place of Alpha Lipid.


"Paralysed Major Damaged of Main Nerve"

Ms Norma is a Master student from UKM (University Kebangsaan Malaysia) doing Microbiology. Her father was involved in an accident, became disabled and only got a 50/50 chance to live. After using Alpha Lipid for a month he is able to walk and drives his motorbike.



Mr Mohd Norwawi, was a chronic diabetic patient, after he's been introduced to Alpha Lipid Lifeline, he has recovered even though at first he was skeptical. Now he is active and stronger and fasting doesn't tire him anymore.


"Cured from stroke"

Ms Nordini got stroke in October, 2006 and was confirmed to be a cripple for the rest of her life. After taking 4 tins of Alpha Lipid, she began to experience some positive recovery and is now able to walk without aid.

Now there is an easier way to keep you healthy everyday.

"It is hard to imagine that there is an alternative food which is more natural and healthier compared to colostrums" - The National Institute of Nutrition Research, USA

The Nutrients available in Alpha Lipid LifeLine

Stay healthy


We are sure you have heard or experienced cases of heart attack or stroke among your family members, neighbors, or acquaintances. Read the statistic below which is taken from The New Straits Times dated 24 April 2007.

The most feared: HEART ATTACK & STROKE

Tuesday, 27 January, 2004
LISBON, Portugal (Reuters) – Portugal's Football Team Leader announced a day of mourning on the death of Miklos Ferer, a Benfica Hungarian player while on field.

The 24 year-old striker, who dropped dead on Sunday during a match against Vitoria Guimaraes was reported to have a heart attack. Feher was the second player to die during a match 7 months after the player Cameroon Marc Vivien Foe died during the Confederations Cup in France June 2003.

Witness his death due to heart attack.


Do you know that every single minute our body becomes weaker when fighting against diseases? Our body is susceptible to various kinds of bacteria, viruses and pathogens around us whether in the air, food or drinks that we take. And unfortunately we often lose in the fight against diseases.

As we aged, our antibody becomes weaker due to pollution, air-conditioning, emotional stress, unhealthy diet, smoking, viruses and so on.

"What Is Your Priority?"

Education * Career * Family * Asset * Lifestyle * Health

Good Day

Every one of us realize that everything becomes meaningless once our health deteriorates. Surely we have seen those who become invalids and waiting to be well again. At that stage everything we once cherish - money, luxurious car, beautiful wife - becomes worthless to us…